
西班牙鲜肉River Viiperi 寸头造型登《Gay Times》杂志

西班牙男模River Viiperi 曾是美国萧亚轩Paris Hilton 的小狼狗,被抛弃后光速退热,年纪轻轻过气成为路人,当年红遍全球的男模鲜肉,因为被甩和汤不热照片泄露,这两年的工作不足五个。

曾经也是Versace, CK这样大牌的大片模特,被抛弃后品牌不认人,他消失在了时尚圈。

But,最近小狼狗River Viiperi 终于回归了,他以全新寸头造型登上了Gay Times最新一期的封面。



"The fact that anyone would vote no to same sex marriage is insane to me. Can someone explain this!? I would really like to try to understand. 🤨 But what’s REALLY 🤬 UP!! Is the fact that ANYONE should have to go through this shit (vote) to be able to spend the rest of their life with who ever THE 🤬 THEY WANT!! I’m not one to believe in marriage on paper. But for those who are. Who cares what color, gender, sexual orientation, favorite dish or drink of choice they have. If they want to be together they should be together. Who’s who to say no to that? 😪 Ok... I’m done venting 😬 had a moment... Actually... I’m not. On another note. For all of you out there (even if you aren’t reading this). If you are GAY be GAY. Don’t be scared. Embrace that shit! if that’s you, that’s you and shouldn’t you be doing you? How will you ever be the best you if you’re still hiding? (for what ever reason. I know some people might have very legit reasons “like death in some countries, which is also very 🤬 up but let’s not go that deep”) MUCH LOVE and I hope I didn’t offend anyone if I did let’s just agree to disagree and evryone’s happy. ❤️ "



上一篇:名媛樊野与越南名媛成为Charlie越南地区代言人,惨败! 下一篇:金发蓝眼的巴西纹身男孩 Jonathan Bellini
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