






1.So where are you from and how old are you?

I was born in Upland, California, but grew up in Portland, Oregon from the age of 4. I am now 24 years old and live in Hollywood, CA.




2.How did you get into modeling?

I played on a competitive club soccer team back in middle school and high school. One of my teammates at the time was doing a lot of kids/junior shoots for some local brands and always came to practice talking about his shoots. One day after practice I asked my dad to take some photos of me and submit them to a local agency. It took about a week for them to respond, but they emailed back wanting to meet me. They are still my mother agent to this day and work with them quite often when I am in town.







3.What do you do on your free time?

I like to work out, and hangout with dogs! When I do get a decent amount of free time in a week I like to sign up at the local dog Shelter “Wags N’ Walks” and help out around the facility, cleaning up, walking dogs, and spending time with some of the pups.




4.What three words describe you?

Introverted, Focused, Determined.










5.What opportunities have you had when it comes to modeling.

A lot of my bigger opportunities happened while I was living in Miami. I got the chance to travel around South America for days at a time for bookings, all while I was on stay in Miami. It was like a vacation within a vacation.




6.We see your heavily into fitness and you have a YouTube channel can you tell us how you got into fitness and YouTube?

I began watching YouTube back in 2014, when I discovered one of my inspirations, Christian Guzman. He and a few others were the main reason why I started a channel in the first place. I always liked the idea of documenting my life via videos, more specifically vlog style videos. One of the best things about starting my channel is being able to look back from years ago, and just re-watch videos from different points in my life. It’s the best way to reminisce about past events/memories.













7.What are you plans for the future when it comes to modeling?

Not sure yet, my main focus is to really build up my YouTube and online coaching business while still being able to travel and work as a model.



8. Do you plan to do any acting?

Funny you ask, my friend and I were actually just talking about signing up for a few classes. Even if I don’t use the skills on screen, I think taking acting classes will really just help me become a better person and open up a bit more. So who knows, but it’s definitely a possibility.

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